

  • 2023-11-16
    Commonly used plastic injection molding processes I. Polypropylene (PP) injection molding process PP is commonly known as polypropylene, because of its good resistance to fracture, also known as folding glue. PP is a semi-transparent, semi-crystalline the
  • 2023-11-15
    What should I do when a mold breaks? 1. Surfacing repair method surfacing repair method using low-temperature argon arc welding, electrode arc welding and other methods in the need for parts of the surfacing, and then corrected, mainly used to repair loca
  • 2023-11-13
    What should I do if the product is not full of glue in injection molding? This is a frequently encountered problem, but also relatively easy to solve. When it really cant be solved by process means, it can be improved by considering the mold design and ma
  • 2023-11-10
    Commonly used injection molding process, you know which ones? As technology develops, so do the demands on the injection molding process. The choice of injection molding is mainly determined by the type of plastic, the starting form, and the shape and siz
  • 2023-11-09
    What are the characteristics and considerations of the injection molded metal insert process? Insert injection molding has the following characteristics: 1. The combination of the resins easy molding and bending properties and the metals rigidity, strengt
  • 2023-11-07
    Analysis of Injection Molding Elements Injection molding is also a separate engineering technology, the purpose of which is to thermoplastic raw materials through the important process conditions of injection molding into products that can be used and mai
  • 2023-11-06
    How to choose an injection molding processor? Selection of injection molding processing manufacturers need to pay attention to several items: 1. Dont just look at the price, but consider the quality, cycle time, service and other aspects. There are many t
  • 2023-11-03
    What are the types of injection mold steel? How to choose injection mold steel? Types of injection mold steel and its selection,Ideal Group for the manufacture of injection mold steel is a lot of, their performance, processing performance and market suppl
  • 2023-11-02
    How to choose the material for injection molding process? Injection molding processing commonly used injection molding materials are ABS, PC, PE, PP, PS, PA, POM, etc. Different materials have different properties, the choice of processing materials, you
  • 2023-11-01
    What are the plastic injection molding processes? I. Injection Molding (A) injection molding Injection molding: also known as plastic injection molding, the principle is to add granular or powdery raw materials into the hopper of the injection machine, th
  • 2023-10-31
    Do you know how to choose plastic mold materials? These tips you need to know Plastic mold working conditions and cold press mold is different, generally must be in one hundred and fifty degrees Celsius to two hundred degrees Celsius to work, in addition
  • 2023-10-30
    What materials are used to make injection molds? 1. High corrosion resistance. Many resins and additives will erode the cavity surface layer. This type of corrosion can lead to melting and peeling of the metal in the cavity surface layer, poor surface con
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