

How to choose an injection molding processor?
Release time:2023-11-06
How to choose an injection molding processor?

Selection of injection molding processing manufacturers need to pay attention to several items:
1. Don't just look at the price, but consider the quality, cycle time, service and other aspects.
        There are many types of general injection molds, which can be roughly divided into ten categories. According to the part material, physical and chemical properties, mechanical strength, dimensional accuracy, surface finish, service life, economy and other different requirements, choose different types of mold forming. Moulds with high precision requirements need to be processed using high-precision CNC machine tools, and mold materials, forming process have strict requirements, but also need to use CAD / CAE / CAM mold technology to design, analysis.
        Some parts have special requirements due to molding, molds also need to use hot runners, gas-assisted molding, nitrogen cylinders and other advanced processes. Injection mold manufacturers should have CNC, EDM, wire cutting machine tools and CNC copy milling equipment, high-precision grinding machines, high-precision three-coordinate measuring instruments, computer design and related software. General large stamping die (such as automotive cover molds) to consider whether the machine tool has a crimping mechanism, and even side lubricants, multi-station progressive, etc.. In addition to stamping tonnage should also consider the punch, feeding devices, machine tools and die protection devices.
2. Do not only focus on product design, ignoring the plastic mold manufacturing.
        Some users in the development of products or new products trial production, often focusing on the initial product development and development, ignoring the communication with the plastic mold making unit. In fact, after the initial determination of the product design program, advance contact with the injection mold factory has many benefits. It can ensure that the design of the product has a good process, not because the parts are difficult to process and modify the stereotypes design, to prevent hasty ill-considered, affecting the schedule.
3. Avoid multiple collaboration, as far as possible plastic mold making and production and processing one-stop.
        With a qualified mold (test piece qualified), not necessarily produce a batch of qualified products. This is mainly related to the parts of the processing machine tool selection, process (forming temperature, forming time, etc.) and the operator's technical qualities. With a good mold, but also a good forming process, preferably a one-stop collaboration, try to avoid multi-head collaboration. If the conditions are not available, it is necessary to choose a party fully responsible for the signing of the contract must be written clearly.
If you have mold customization needs, please contact us!
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