

How to reduce the cost of injection molding process?
Release time:2023-12-06
How to reduce the cost of injection molding process?

Production Workshop
The layout of the production workshop focuses on two considerations: to meet the conditions of production demand, according to the production process to optimize the layout at the same time, to meet the requirements of flexible energy use under specific production conditions.
1, the power supply, in order to meet the stable production of power required at the same time there is an appropriate margin, not too large a surplus caused by excessive reactive energy consumption.
2, the construction of efficient cooling water recycling facilities, cooling water system equipped with effective insulation and heat preservation system.
3, optimize the overall production layout of the workshop. A lot of production has a successive process coordination, reasonable coordination can reduce the turnover time and energy consumption, improve production efficiency.
4, the lighting and other plant equipment as far as possible to consider the most effective small unit for separate control.
5, the workshop equipment to do regular maintenance, to avoid damage to utilities, affecting the normal operation of production, which in turn causes an increase in energy consumption.
Injection molding machine
Injection molding machine is injection molding workshop energy consumption, energy consumption is mainly motor and heating two parts.
1, according to the characteristics of the products to choose the right injection molding machine. The "big horse-drawn cart" type of injection molding processing often means a lot of energy waste.
2, the choice of all-electric injection molding machine and hybrid injection molding machine, with excellent energy-saving effect, energy saving 20-80%.
3, Adopt new heating technology, such as electromagnetic induction heating, infrared heating, etc., which can realize 20-70% energy saving in heating.
4, Adopt effective heat preservation and insulation measures for heating and cooling system to reduce heat and cold loss.
5, to maintain good lubrication of equipment transmission components, reduce the increase in energy consumption caused by increased friction or unstable operation of equipment.
6, the selection of low-compression hydraulic oil, reducing the waste of energy in the hydraulic system.
7, the use of parallel action, multi-cavity injection molding, multi-component injection molding and other processing technologies can significantly save energy.
8, the traditional mechanical-hydraulic injection molding machine also has a variety of energy-saving drive system, instead of the traditional quantitative pump mechanical-hydraulic injection molding machine energy-saving effect is significant.
9, Regular maintenance of heating and cooling pipes to ensure that there are no impurities inside the pipes, scale clogging and other phenomena occur, to achieve the designed heating and cooling efficiency.
10, to ensure that the injection molding machine is in good working condition. Unstable processing may lead to inferior products, and increase energy consumption.
11, to ensure that the equipment used is suitable for the products processed, such as PVC processing often requires the use of specialized screws.

Injection Molds
Mold structure and mold condition often have a significant impact on the injection molding cycle and processing energy consumption.
1, Reasonable mold design, including runner design, gate form, number of cavities, heating and cooling waterways, etc., all help to reduce energy consumption.
2, the use of hot runner molds, not only can save materials, reduce material recovery energy consumption, the molding process itself also has a significant energy saving effect.
3, Simulation of fast-cooling and fast-heating molds can significantly save processing energy, and achieve better surface quality.
4, Ensure the balanced filling of each cavity, which helps to shorten the molding cycle, ensure the uniformity of product quality, and have excellent energy-saving effect.
5, Adopting CAE auxiliary design technology for mold design, mold flow analysis and simulation can reduce the energy consumption of mold debugging and multiple mold repair.
6, under the premise of ensuring product quality, the use of lower clamping force molding, which helps to extend the life of the mold, the mold quickly filled, which helps to save energy.
7, do a good job of mold maintenance to ensure effective heating and cooling waterway conditions.

Peripheral equipment
1, Choose auxiliary equipment suitable for the capacity to meet the work requirements, but not too much affluence.
2, Do a good job of equipment maintenance to ensure that the equipment is in normal working condition. Auxiliary equipment that does not work properly will cause production instability or even poor quality parts, resulting in increased energy consumption.
3, Optimize the host and peripheral equipment to work with the work and the order of operation.
4, optimize the peripheral equipment and production equipment mutual position, without affecting the operating conditions, as far as possible, so that the peripheral equipment from the host closer.
5, many auxiliary equipment manufacturers provide on-demand energy supply system, which can achieve significant energy savings.
6, the use of rapid mold change equipment to reduce the waiting time required to switch products in production.
Different materials processing energy consumption is different, while poor management of materials or improper management of recycled materials will cause an increase in production energy consumption.
1, under the premise of meeting the performance of the products, should give priority to the selection of materials with lower processing energy consumption.
2, in order to meet the use of performance and cost optimization conditions, priority should be given to the selection of high liquidity materials.
3, note that different suppliers of materials may have different process conditions.
4, material drying treatment, the best with the drying with the use, to avoid drying the material moisture waste of energy.
5, do a good job of material preservation, to prevent the material mixed with impurities or foreign objects, ultimately resulting in poor products.
6, part of the products allowed to join a certain amount of recycled materials, but should pay attention to the preservation of recycled materials and cleanliness, to avoid unclean materials produced by poor parts.
Processing technology
1, Use the shortest molding cycle under the premise of meeting the performance of the products.
2, If there are no special factors, use the processing technology recommended by the supplier for processing as far as possible.
3, for specific products and molds, all stable equipment and process parameters to save, shorten the next replacement of the production of machine adjustment time.
4, Optimize the process, using lower clamping force, shorter cooling time and holding time.
Adopt new technology
1, Adopt auxiliary molding technology, such as gas-assisted, liquid-assisted, steam-assisted, micro-foam injection molding technology.
2, Adopt unitized molding scheme to reduce intermediate links.
3, Adopt new technologies such as in-mold welding, in-mold spraying, in-mold assembly and in-mold decoration.
4, Adopt new low-pressure molding technology to shorten the molding cycle, and at the same time can reduce the melt temperature.
5, Adopt energy regeneration system.

Production management
1, Produce high-quality products at one time, reduce the defective rate is the biggest energy-saving.
2, The maintenance of the whole production system is closely related to energy consumption. This not only involves the host, but also the periphery and factory equipment, for example, if the workshop mold crane failure, the need for manpower to change the mold, is bound to extend the waiting time of the equipment, resulting in an increase in energy consumption of the equipment.
3,  Equipped with workshop energy consumption monitoring system to facilitate the implementation of energy analysis and improvement of the enterprise purpose.
4, equipment downtime maintenance, not only to check the maintenance of the equipment itself and the project, but also to pay attention to the equipment and other systems connected to the condition of the work performance is reliable.
5, Regularly compare with industry benchmarks to see if there is room for further improvement.
6, And suppliers to establish a reliable contract and cooperative relations, energy-saving management of enterprises is beneficial.
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